5 Signs You Have Water Damage Inside Your Walls

Maria Gonzales
5 min readJun 26, 2023


Water damage inside walls is an insidious problem that can cause a lot of damage to your home. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including flooding, plumbing problems, roof leaks, and more. When left unchecked, water damage in walls can lead to mold damage, electrical shorts, weakened structure, and other costly repairs. Fortunately, there are some telltale signs you can look out for which may indicate you have water damage within your walls.

Here are five common signs that you should keep an eye out for:

1. Discolored Walls — Water can cause staining or discoloration on interior walls in the form of dark patches or spots. This is often one of the first signs of water damage as it is usually visible before any other signs manifest themselves. If you find dark spots on your walls that seem to be spreading across the surface over time, it’s important to act quickly as this could mean you have water seeping through from somewhere else in the house.

2. Peeling Paint — Another sign of water damage inside walls is peeling paint or wallpaper. If you notice paint or wallpaper bubbling or cracking away from the wall’s surface, then this could indicate some kind of moisture issue behind your walls which could stem from a water leak somewhere else in your home. In such cases, it’s best to enlist the help of a specialist to check things out and determine how best to proceed with repairs.

3. Warped Flooring — When moisture builds up behind your walls it can cause the flooring around the affected area to warp and become uneven as it absorbs the excess liquid. If you notice any discrepancies between different areas around your home — particularly near rooms such as bathrooms or kitchens where moisture is most likely to accumulate — then this could be an indication that something is going on beneath the surface that needs further investigation.

4. Mildew Smell — Water seeping into your walls will usually leave behind a musty smell as mold begins to grow due to dampness and humidity created by its presence. This smell may not always be immediately noticeable but if things progress enough then eventually it might become especially pungent when standing close enough near any affected area in your home.

5 Damp Spots on Your Walls– Lastly, one way to detect whether you have any water leaking into your walls is by feeling for damp spots directly against them with either your hands or objects like screwdrivers (just make sure they don’t encounter live wires!).

If you find any suspicious wet patches, then this could mean that something is going on below the surface causing unseen but serious issues which may require expert help to repair properly so avoid touching anything electrical just in case. It’s always important to act fast if you suspect that there may be water damage inside your walls because allowing such problems to linger over time can lead to extensive structural weakening and dangerous mold growth over time leading to more costly repair bills further down the line when undetected.

Water damage behind walls can also have serious consequences on your health. The presence of moisture creates a perfect environment for the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause respiratory problems in individuals who are exposed to it. Furthermore, standing water can also lead to the formation of bacteria colonies that could potentially result in food poisoning or other illnesses if ingested or even encountered skin. Moreover, any electrical wiring that has been affected by water could be a huge hazard due to shock and fire risks. In addition, weakened structures caused by water damage may cause ceilings and walls to collapse unexpectedly should enough time pass without repair thus putting anyone nearby at risk of being injured as well.

The five signs mentioned above should give homeowners an idea about what kind of warning signals they should look out for but ultimately, they should always rely upon professional advice if they want definitive answers about their property’s condition since these certified experts will know exactly what steps need to be taken next depending on each situation. It is always best to address any signs of water damage inside your walls as soon as possible, no matter how small they may seem.

Consulting an experienced residential public adjuster can help to make sure you get the necessary repairs and replacements covered by your insurance policy. Home Safe Claims is a public adjuster who specializes in helping home and business owners with their insurance claims for leaky roofs, water damage, and mold damage. A residential public adjuster can help homeowners filing a Florida mold damage claims as the insurance language can be difficult to navigate and the process can be tedious and time consuming.

The ultimate takeaway:

Water damage inside walls is a serious problem that can cause extreme damage to homes if left unchecked. Early detection of warning signs such as discolored walls, peeling paint, warped floors, musty smells, or damp spots on the wall should be taken seriously to avoid further health hazards caused by mold growth and bacteria colonies that could develop due to moisture build-up.

